Thursday, January 8, 2009

Plastic Surgery Gone Bad!!

Not one to criticize, but I have deeply questioned myself as to why people really go through these kind of things in order to improve oneself, I mean is it really that serious! I believe that everyone has something beautiful about em, why go and ruin yourself like that? To me it's a form of self-hatred, like you wasn't happy with the looks that god gave you? What's up with that? all plastic surgery does is just an operation to make you look perfect, but it doesn't, if you have nothing thats beautiful on the inside which also makes me ponder what really happen to these people when they were growing up seriously?

This is just horrendous! Like why???

No, No, No, Vivica! Not you too! I really found you attractive until this pops up!
And last but not least...him! What's good Mike?
Honestly what really goes through these people mind like real talk? No matter all I'm going to say is this...whoever happens to run into this blog in the near future and wants to get plastic surgery... look at this pictures for precaution and think twice about what it is that your doing it's not that deep at all. Love yourself and everything else goes right for you. Just cut it out!